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The 3 Clip System Mission

The Unicorn Timer Mission (Available to beta test participants only.)

The 3-Clip System Mission

Hi Mike! Have a look around & let me know what you think via email or the form at the bottom of the page. And just keep in mind that I’m designing this page for broad use, but I’m happy to hear any and all requests that may come to mind. - Melody

This picture is a place holder - I’m going to work on a short video that will go here.

Choosing your set up for this system can be a super simple 5 minute task or a more involved art project & shopping exploration.

You can’t go wrong with the set up you choose, but here are a few things to keep in mind:

GETTING STARTED | It may be a good idea to jump in with a simple prototype that gives you the chance to get started right away. You can always fancy things up once you’ve had the chance to get used to a practice.

THE NUMBER 3 | Is not set in stone. Three is a generally accepted number of things that we can easily digest w/o getting overwhelmed. Four is usually fine as well, but beyond that things get a bit unruly both visually & mentally.

Ready to explore some options? Scroll down or click the blue circle above to jump to a variety of set up ideas, materials & examples.

The beauty of a simple 3 Clip System is that you can use it with any personalized practice that’s a good fit for your current needs.

Here are 2 Quick Start Practices to Consider:

FOR KIDS | At the beginning or end of the day, use the 3 clips to represent 3 key steps of your routine. (Here’s a time when 4 or 5 clips may be needed, but it’s also okay to just focus on the 3 most important or often skipped steps.)

FOR ADULTS | At the end of each work day, take 10 mins to REFLECT on clip 1’s prompt, take ACTION on clip 2’s prompt & record an OBSERVATION about clip 3’s prompt.

All set? Move on to adding some prompts.

Not quite what you’re looking for? I’ve got tons of ideas for you to play with below. Scroll down or click the green circle above to jump to a wide range of potential practices for all ages.

These are kind of like the ingredients for your 3 Clip Sundae. They can be just about anything & should fit your personal needs. For Example:

REMINDERS | To relax, to reflect, to do your chores, to use a certain phrase (like “can my child do this for themselves?”), to practice (like gratitude or using a growth mindset).

STEPS | Of a morning routine, to make a simple kid-friendly meal, to get ready for bed,

VISUALS | That show how to tie shoes, represent 3 things you’re trying to use more of in your house, of tomorrow’s outfit.

GOALS | For yourself, your kids, your family team, your weekend, your summer vacation.

If that’s given you an idea to start with, go for it! If you’d like a few more ideas, scroll down or click the orange circle above to jump to categories of prompt ideas.

A FEW NOTES | I look for fun activities from websites that appear trustworthy. If you ever find that an activity or website is problematic in any way, please do let me know via any of the contact links on my About Page. Thank you in advance for helping me highlight only the most worthwhile resources & well-intentioned websites.

Also, I am not affiliated or have paid partnerships with any of the below links. So explore freely & find a best fit for you.

Set Up Ideas

Top Recommendation

Go browse your local craft store of choice & see what jumps out at you. Alternatively, local office supply stores & resale shops are also likely to have some great options & spur new ideas.

PS: My favorite craft store in Portland, OR is Collage. Would you like me to track some down in your zip code? Fill out a Free Research Request here.

The Classic | Ribbon, String or Yarn & 3 Clips

Option for Purchase | Misc Clip Photo Holders

Flip It | Picture Clips & Photo Stands

Option for Purchase | Wooden Photo Stands

The Quick Start | Pushpins, Magnets & Self-Adhesive Clips & Hooks

Option for Purchase | Hanging Wooden Clips

If You Wanna Get Fancy | Add a Frame or Wood Backing

Option for Purchase | Wood Shelf with Clips

Practice Ideas

Below you’ll find a few practices to consider for your system with 3 steps to quick start any of them.

Want more prompts for a particular practice? You’ll find those in the next section.

Hey Mike! I’m just getting started on this section & the prompts below. I’ll let you know as I make updates moving forward and you can let me know what you’d like to see more of in the form below.

Prompt Ideas

    • Family members or friends you'd like to call this week

    • Clothing items for outfit planning

    • Creative image prompts to play with or reflect upon a particular question

    • A particular breathing practice

    • Tying your shoes

    • A yoga position

    • A calming place to go when you need to take a break

    • A fun place your looking forward to visiting soon

    • A wonderful thing that you’d like to bring into your life

  • NOTE | More specific examples coming soon. Requests gladly accepted!

    • Growth mindset

    • Scout mindset

    • Take a breath

    • I am worthy of love & acceptance

    • Quick No, Slow Yes

    • All things in moderation

    • “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” - Maya Angelou

    • ”Power is influence over external events. Peace is influence over internal events." - James Clear

    • “Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren't always comfortable, but they're never weakness.” - Brene Brown

    • Wake up at the same time every weekday

    • Walk around the house or office for 15 minutes after lunch

    • Silence your phone 1 hour before bed

Hi Again Mike! I’d love to hear your thoughts on one or more of these questions:

Bye Mike, talk to you soon!

PS: The rest of this is “under construction” ;)


Practice Ideas

  • Kids draw & cut out their wardrobe (could create a template). They laminate or tape them if desired. They clip all the tops in the first clip, bottoms in second, socks in third. Each night they put the shirt in the back & choose a new shirt to move to the front, put the bottoms in the back & choose a new bottom to move to the front, put the socks in the back & choose a new set of socks to move to the front. Then they double check to make sure the clothes they chosen are clean & fit them. Alt - clip the clothes directly on the wall clips each night.

  • Getting Rid of Automatic Negative Thoughts

  • A Reflection, An Actionable Mantra, Positive Affirmation or Quote, An Observation

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

  • Best Practices - Positive Self-Talk & Framing

Prompt Ideas

There are even more on card description.

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